Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Okay, peeps. The reason I haven't written in days? Honestly?!?

It's because CVMBS at CSU requested last week that I write up a LETTER explaining EVERYTHING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME THIS SEMESTER!!!

Oh my dear God.

God: What is it this time?!?

Me: Hang on a second.

I haven't even GOTTEN to that around THIS place. They expect me to get at all that shit in less than three pages?!? ;D

HOWEVER. I just finished said document, naturally at the LAST possible minute (LOL!!!), and even sent it off in .pdf form. Because, honestly: Sending someone a WORD document instead of a .pdf is like LETTING THEM SEE YOU IN YER UNDERWEAR. ;)

And so, to follow that to its logical conclusion, I think it's about time I started talking about my ridiculous last few months. Hehe! Hold on to your hats, people. This could get a little bit... ROUGH.


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