Sunday, November 13, 2011

Me 2:

Drove Joseph back down to Greeley, went over to Jason's to feed Lucy, and got to talk to DJS on the phone. Throughout the ALL of this, I had the Mumford & Sons album playing in my head AND my radio. In particular, one song was rollin' through my mind:

Mumford & Sons - "Sigh No More"

"Serve God love me and mend
This is not the end
Live unbruised, we are friends
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry


Love, it will not betray you,
dismay, or enslave you,
it will set you free.
Be more like the man
you were made to be.

There is a design,
an alignment to cry
of my heart to see,
the beauty of love
as it was made to be."

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