Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Me 3:

Watching old "Sex and the City" episodes with Megan; Specifically, the one where the ladies go to L.A. and Samantha meets a dildo model.

Megan: I mean, look at that guy! You never can tell who's going to be packin' a big one.

Me: Yeah. Look: The dude is COMPLETELY bald, unattractive, AND sporting a nasty BLONDE mustache!

Megan: I wish there were somthing like that for girls... Like, a girl with a good set of boobs does NOT make up for her having an ugly face! And right now, small boobs are kind of "in"...

Me: I can say with absolute certaintly that small penises will never be "IN"! *laughing*

Megan: I think the first and last time that was EVER in was with, well... THE GREEKS!!! NOT gonna happen again.


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