Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Me 15:

God Damn it, now I HAVE a FUCKING "STALKER". Now, where's Bender the robot from "Futurama"?!?

"And THAT, my friends, is I-RONY."

The DIFFERENCE here is that I will CUT HER SOME SLACK, since I KNOW IN MY HEART that she's a NICE GIRL, not a BAD PERSON, and that over-enthusiasm happens to ALL OF US SOMETIMES. AND, IT DOESN'T FUCKING MAKE US "REAL-LIFE" STALKERS. Despite what some people with overly-inflated egos might think. :) Deflate that head a TON, Dark Spider-Man. You're special, but NOBODY is THAT special.

And I will handle this situation, because I DO love Nusharin.

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