Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Theme of the Day 3: Confucius

For some background reading, please check out:

I LOVE wikipedia, for it is of the people, for the people, by the people. It's AMAZING the things PEOPLE (as a whole) know... and know about.

Right now, I feel like Lucas in Empire Records, the "Confucius" of the movie:

"What's WITH you today?"
"What's with TODAY, today?"
"Last night you went to bed sounding normal, and today you sound like the CHINESE GUY from THE KARATE KID!"

;) In this clip, "Warren", a young dude who wants to get to work at Empire Records, doesn't know how to do so, so he STEALS from them instead. But LUCAS IS THERE, no matter WHERE this kid runs, to BLOCK ANY AND ALL AVAILABLE EXITS! ;) Using "mind-bullets" (Thanks, Tenacious D).

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