Monday, September 26, 2011

Me 6:

My friend Megan just told me to "check [my] email", but sorry Meggo, NO TIME!!! ;)
I suspect it might be a secret, coded message from Dark Spider-Man to the other half of his CRIME-FIGHTING duo, the (occasionally dark) "SPIDER-GIRL"! With apologies for calling her a "STALKER" of LIFE. LOL!

Me: But Spider-Man, I AM a "stalker of life"... BUT, I am also a spider. I will make life come to ME! And then ensnare it in this beautifully-constructed web I'm weaving FOR MYSELF. So maybe you DON'T want to talk to me? I might ensnare YOU! ;) Bwahahahaha... (evil "Doc Oc" laugh)

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