Saturday, September 24, 2011

Shhhhh... my ass SPEAKETH!:

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  1. WOW... I post ONE thing using email and the blog email address, and THIS SHIT HAPPENS! I guess my ASS had a TON of shit to say!?! *literally rolling around laughing*

  2. So OBVIOUSLY, can't delete ALL of that shit! I think for a second there, my ASS was trying to LOL too, but didn't know how...

    I think that's called a fart... but maybe it was just a BRAIN fart, trying to use my slick-ass phone to blog.

  3. My ass pocket dialed my blog and was trying to fart out loud... I really hope my WHOLE BLOG doesn't look like this.

  4. I think my ass was confused, probably like EVERYONE ELSE HERE, and wondered when I was going to "GET ON WITH IT!!!" Monty Python Castle Anthrax style.
