Saturday, September 24, 2011


I'll show you MINE if you show me YOURS... LOL!

(This is acceptable, not like those gurls that post pictures of themselves in thongs on myspeace, because GUESS WHAT?!? I'M STILL DRESSED AS UNCLE BOB "Freakin'" DYLAN! Oh, AND I have my reading/"therepist" glasses on... *grin* Self-indulgence, here I come!)


Never mind, I'm saving THAT photo for someone special... ;) Who? No idea! LOL! Just someone SPECIAL. Well, that's what LILITH is for. Literally, her purpose here is to be the actual SNAKE IN THE PRE-GARDEN-OF-EDEN. Oh, and then there too, before she gets kicked out for wanting to be on top during sex... BUT THAT'S ANOTHER STORY!

Lilith: Sure, whatever... I'll show my boobs. I'm a little wasted anyhow, so LETS DO THIS BITCH! WHOOOOOOO!!!

From my new BEST friend Nusharin Lapakulchai, who, in addition to being AMAZING also confirms my worst suspicions about my STUPID ideas ;). It turns out, I AM an idiot sometimes! Huh. Who knew? You guys, maybe, but NOT ME! LOL.

She gave me Shane from "The 'L' Word". That is SO freaking clever I just want to SQUEEZE her FACE off. So, so Bob-Freakin'-Dylan:

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