Friday, September 23, 2011

Me 5:

On Facebook yesterday, calling out my REAL FRIENDS!

Corissa Crowder: If any of ya'll ever liked me, you'll read my blog... AND log into it so that I know who you are! :)

Corissa Crowder: I'm posting it AGAIN for EMPHASIS! I promise it's NOT what you think. No matter WHAT you're thinking! ;)
http://fruitofthetreeofknowled​ — at My parents house (a.k.a. the Garden of Eden) in Paradise (Eugene, OR).
Like · · Tag Friends · Yesterday at 4:36pm

Jolene Kristovich: ok sweetie, I promise I'm not thinking anything
Yesterday at 4:53pm · Like.

Corissa Crowder: Oh my god, Jolene, I love you so much. You are fantastic. ;)
16 hours ago · Like.

Corissa Crowder: You were the one that was like, "Um, is everything okay?!?" When I was like "i BRoke my BRAIn!"
16 hours ago · Like.

Corissa Crowder: No, it WASN'T!!! BUT, it is NOW.
16 hours ago · Like.

Jolene Kristovich: I'm glad everything is ok now. I hope you're doing good. I'm better now then I've been for years. Just had to lose that 200lbs. ha ha.

(AHHH!! I GOT that JUST now, Jolene. You fucking rock.)

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