Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Notes from the Road 1:

Wow. Thank GOD I have finally escaped my loving family's boa constrictor-like embrace.

I ALSO finally understand that stupid phrase, "I can't hear myself think!" When I first got to my parent's house, I was pretty good at tuning them all out... ;) This became LESS true as time went on. My thoughts are so much more CLEAR now that I've put a little distance between me and them.

Sorry Dave, Mom, and Laura. 'Cause I KNOW you'll all read this; Yer just sneaky and clever that way. "Evil scientists", all of us! LOL. ANYWAY, YOU know I love you all to pieces... But to put together all MY pieces I just gotta get away from you guys for awhile!!! Before you drive Miss Daisy CRAZY... again. ;)

Sent from my iPhone

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