Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Notes from the Road 5:

The only thing I actually NEED right now is a fresh start with, oh, EVERYONE IN MY LIFE!!! ;) So, I think I shall have one... For EACH of you, LOL!

Earlier today I was talking with my "Gweat fwiend in Wome", Megan (Monty Python's Life of Bwian, I mean Brian). I told her that I feel like everyone here deserves a candy bar. Again, this is only appropriate, as Halloween is fast approaching. I'm giving EACH of you a KING-SIZED "Snickers" bar just for hangin' in there... With me. :) I'm afraid that for now, these candy bars are only metaphorical, but if I am ever in a position to MAKE GOOD on this offer, you guys will be the FIRST ONES TO KNOW!!!

Megan: Yay!!!


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