Thursday, October 20, 2011

Notes from the Road 7:

I texted DJS, to inform him that I had just "punched my car right in the headlight", since YES, he taught me to do that!!! Yeah, so we have, like, IDENTICAL cars, which is funnier for me than for him, since (sorry David) it's a pretty girly car. Okay, DJS, I'll go ahead and refer to it as "androgynous"... If it'll make you feel better. ;) And yes, in THIS case, kicking and/or punching the headlight IS a completely VALID form of car repair, as it makes the light go back on, some CRAZY-stupid-HOW if it happens to "wink off".

I absolutely LOVE things that actually work better when you KICK them!!! WTF?!? Why should that EVER work?!? It reminds me of a "Cowboy Bebop" episode where the main characters sneak into an old museum to steal a beta-max VCR so they can watch a tape they stole from one of the other main characters. They bring it back to their spaceship, but it won't play the tape, because it is ACTUALLY a VHS tape, but the technology is SO ancient that they don't know the difference. Spike, the main dude in the show, kicks the SHIT out of it until it's a smoking heap of refuse, and then says:

"Well, my SHIP works better when I kick it...?!?"

LOL!!! ;)

Sent from my iPhone

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