Monday, October 17, 2011

Me 3:

Once I got back from hangin' out with a buddy o' mine this morning, my Mom and I headed out into the world to run "errands". I love how adult that sounds: "running errands". You don't really have to make any explanation other than that, but I shall explain anyway... for no good reason. ;)


From one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIES, "The Princess Bride"; book AND screenplay written by William Goldman:

[Westley]: Who are you? Are we enemies? Where's Buttercup?

[Inigo Montoya]: Let me explain. No, there is TOO MUCH. Let me SUM UP.
Buttercup is marry Humperdink in little less then half an hour so all we have to do is get in, break up the wedding, steal the princess, make our escape, after I kill count Rugen.

[Westley]: That doesn't leave much time for dilly-dally.

[Fezzik]: You just wiggled your finger. That's wonderful!

[Westley]: I've always been a quick healer.


Westley and Inigo Montoya duel earlier in the movie, before they decide to join forces.

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