Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Song for last night:

K.D. Lang: "Waltz Me Once Again 'Round That Dance Floor"

Click the "play" button below to hear this RAD song on K.D. Lang's MySpace page! And I thought I never had a use for MySpace... *shakes head* ;)

[Waltz Me] Once Again Around The Dance Floor

David and I hung out last night in Portland, got dressed up for no good reason, and then went out to eat at this AWESOME (and $$$) asian restaurant called "Biwa".

Out on the Town


A second song for last night:

"Let Go" by Frou Frou. Awesome band with two Brits: Imogen Heap and Guy Sigsworth. Imogen went on to do some AWESOME solo songs, but their album together was ALSO cool. Sort of like Nico and The Velvet Underground. COOL COMBINATIONS! :)

I love this montage even more than I love the music set to scenes from the movie. I originally heard this song in the AWESOME movie, "Garden State". Watch that movie sometime... or I will "remediate" ALL OF YOU!!! RAR! ;)

Oh, and P.S.!!! Listen to the whole soundtrack, ya awesome assholes, whom I love more than life itself! :)

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