Friday, October 7, 2011

Me 4:

DANG. Watch this space, because THIS DAY HAS BEEN A DOOZY!!! ;)

I just got stood up by said boy, but was not at ALL surprised OR HURT by this (sort of) betrayal. Here is a shortened transcript of our conversation tonight. Okay, and yes, I DID correct his grammar and punctuation. So sue me! ;)

[Me]: Hey!! I just found out that LaMichael's arm isn't broken!!! Yesssss!!! At least that's SOMETHING, LOL! ;)

((we both like Oregon football. One of the few things we have in common?!?))

[Lil' J]: [I just saw the movie "Horrible Bosses" with my folks.] The movie was pretty funny... I wouldn't mind having Jennifer Anison as MY boss! Yeah, great news for the ducks. The paper said he popped his OWN arm back into place.

[Me]: Yeah, tough frickin' guy, eh? :) I just had a nap, since, like a puppy, I had WAY too much fun today... Already. LOL!!! So, no pressure, hehe! ;) What time you wanna have coffee?

[Lil' J]: Well, I'm having dinner with the fam in a bit, so later? Around 8? If that works?

[Me]: Perfect. :) I wanted us both to have supper beforehand so we wouldn't have to pay for dinner, LOL!!! :D It SHOULDN'T cost anything to see each other... So many people don't understand that AT ALL! :)

[Lil' J]: Most definitely. So where would you like to grab some coffee?

[Me]: Sorry, I was "marshalling the troops", a.k.a. taking a long hot shower and getting dressed, LOL! ;)
How about "Espresso Roma" down on 13th street? It's near SHMC, LOL!

[Lil' J]: I'm sorry, but I'm not really feeling like coffee. :/ Maybe another time I'm really sorry.

[Me]: That's cool... Bummer, dude.

[Lil' J]: You're totally awesome, but I'm not so sure I'm ready.

[Me]: LOL! I tried to tell you that yesterday! And I truthfully just wanted to hang out... ha. No big deal. No worries!!! :)

[Lil' J]: I hope you can forgive me. I am really sorry.

[Me]: Dude, its FINE!! :D A piece of advice, though: Next time, give a girl a little more notice cancelling plans, you silly guy. :)

[Lil' J]: I feel horrible, I'm sorry.

[Me]: Why? :) We just got outta "THE JOHNSON UNIT"!!! LOL! ;) I'm going to go ahead and cut you A WHOLE LOTTA SLACK 'cause of that one! Don't feel bad!! That's an ORDER, private! *wink*

[Lil' J]: That's how I feel, I'm sorry for being untrustworthy.

[Me]: Don't. :) I AM older than you, after all... LOL! Oh, seriously already. You're NOT untrustworthy... That's the reason why I WANTED TO HAVE COFFEE WITH YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! LOL :D
And this is where I say, "You're going to be okay!!!" And then YOU say, "I know." :)

[Lil' J]: And I feel I would only bring you down.

[Me]: You are being unintentionally hilarious. And you KNOW how funny I think that is... LOL! Please... you can let it go. It's okay by me! :)

[Lil' J]: I'm sorry for bailing.

[Me]: My favorite poet e e cummings once said: "and kisses are a better fate than wisdom"... and while he IS my favorite, I think he was a tiny bit wrong on that one. The BEST fate is kisses AND WISDOM! :)
So, you can get BOTH for yourself, too... Once you're ready. :)
Don't worry, be happy"... Tell your awesome folks I said, "Hi!" :D
You MAY forget that I still have a concert given by my AWESOME friend to get to tonight. And now I can go out for beers after. :)
This is where you say (ideally, LOL!!!), "You're AWESOME." And then I say, "I know." ;) LOL!

[Lil' J]: You ARE awesome.

[Me]: LOL!! :D

[Lil' J]: And you will have a great time tonight without a quiet kid who will be too frightened to have fun. :/

[Me]: I stole some scrubs from "THE UNIT", so I'll even be comfy before bed... Oh, and, like, 1,000,000 pairs of socks (on accident), and an apple. Did THAT take balls, or what?!?

[Lil' J]: That IS impressive, LOL.
Balls that I don't have...

[Me]: I got 'em for ya, LOL!!! :) Here, I"m giving them back. ;)

[Lil' J]: Thanks, LOL. I'm sorry about tonight.

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