Friday, October 7, 2011


Leona Lewis is an amazing British singer/songwriter who appeared once on the Brit version of "American Idol". I'm not sure if she won, or didn't win and STILL put out her INCREDIBLE album entitled, "Spirit", but it DOESN'T MATTER. Not ONE bit.

One of her songs, entitled "Bleeding Love" keeps playing over and over in my head as I think of the past. My past DEEDS, and other people's as well.

(I love how this girl's name is LEONA, and she LOOKS like a lion on her album cover! Just like my new friend George from the JU... and his "star-sign" is LEO.)

The reason I am so, SO attached to this song is because I once saw the most AMAZING dancers on "So You Think You Can Dance" perform a piece set to this song, and it has HAUNTED me ever since. I never knew why... but now I do. I am so exhausted from being cut open by love... just like the incredible female dancer in this piece. I think it may be my absolute favorite piece of combined music, choreography, and dancing... At least, that I have seen thus far. Please watch this video and tell me it doesn't move you. Because I'll know you're lying.

If you read NOTHING ELSE on my blog, please watch this movie. This woman feels MY pain. She feels her own pain. She FEELS it all... And the male dancer is cold perfection.


  1. Yeah It my favorite song too "Bleeding Love"

  2. It my favorite song for me because:

    This song launch at the same time when I'm broke up. Every radio stations open this song for promotion but who know have one person feels pain with this song. Anyway everything in the world have two side I choose the side that made me feel better from that situation

    1. I sang this song so lound in my room and I think not just only me feel hurt from broke up and not just only me broke up.
    2. I think I will keep this song for my favorite because they wrote and produced it for me.
    3. I think love is all around should to stand up and move on.

    :: Just a little story from me::

  3. I just wanna share
