Friday, October 7, 2011


Ahhh... I love the military system of establishing the time and date of correspondance. It is SO perfect and precice... AND it reminds me of working at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), where the ultimate goal was to do everything PERFECTLY and PRECICELY, otherwise, NOTHING would work out, LOL!

Me: Dave? Can I have a cup of coffee? I'm really dragging ass this morning.

Dave: You mean you want me to make you a cup?

Me: YES! If you could/would. I could really use some coffee right now.

Dave: Well, okay... but, I mean, it's not going to be "barista style" or anything...

Me: Dave, COME ON. I have been drinking cup after cup of coffee in the Johnson Unit, and that crap was only marginally better than hotel coffee.

Dave: Oh, yeah. You made me drink some of that the other day when I came to visit you. Okay, just a sec.


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