Saturday, October 8, 2011

Me 1:

Hangin' out with David Jacobs-Strain before a sweet concert at Artichoke Music = ROCK!!! ;)

When I told my Mom and Dave that I was going up to Portland with DJS to see his concert, and then go for a hike, they said, "Awesome! And you'll be hanging out with David! Oh, you lucky girl! He has to be, like, what, the third most well-known musician in Eugene?!?" LOL! ;)

My always-optimistic sister was slightly less cheerful. "You're going to be RAPED and THEN murdered," she said. "DO YOU REALLY WANT TO YELL AT ME RIGHT NOW?!?" she yelled. "You want to know how this trip is going to end for you?!? With ME having to sign your DEATH certificate and writing your OBITUARY!!!"

Naturally, I was denied an opportunity to respond, as she stomped off and then "peeled out" down our quiet street in her big-ass truck. So, instead, let's see who was right, shall we? ;) Laura, if you are, in fact, correct about this heinous situation in which I've put myself, I apologize in advance for the time it will take out of your (honestly) super-busy schedule to write my obit.

Gahhhhhh!!!! ;D

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