Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Me 2:

Me: Oh, my F-ING GOD!

God: Yes?

Me: Now, hang on a second, I didn't mean that literally. Just wait for me to finish talking about this bakery and then you can have your say. GIVE ME A MINUTE, HERE, DUDE!

God: Phooey. *thhhtttb!* [blows a raspberry]

Okay. Now that I've taken care of THAT little situation, I HAVE to talk about this bakery that David Jacobs-Strain took me to on the morning of October 11th. We'd been sorta lazy that morning, and so we didn't have long to eat (under half-an-hour), but despite this, we jetted over to "Saint Honore Boulangerie", which was the most amazing, PROPER french bakery I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. I thought "La Creperie" in Fort Collins was good, with its croissants that take three days to make. HAH! DON'T make me laugh, cantina boy! I didn't know croissonts from... some other type-o' croissonts. BUT, I can tell the difference between an apple and AN APPLE!!! ;)

Check out what I'm talking about at:

I KNOW you can't get this from their website, but, as I told the cashier/barista/super-lady that rang us up, "THIS PLACE IS WHERE I WOULD GO TO LOSE MY ASS!!! LOL! I could spend so much money on bread and pastries and sandwiches and soup at this place that it is NOT FUNNY. Well, okay, maybe it's a LITTLE bit funny, but STILL. ;)
David bought me a coffee, an eclaire, and a turkey and cheese croissant also stuffed with croque monsieur. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! HEEEELLLLLLLLP!!! *wink wink*

In case anyone wants to "come get some" (in French, a la "Ash", played by Bruce Campbell in "Army of Darkness" and other associated films), the place is located in Northwest Portland at 2335 Northwest Thurman Street. GO GET SOME!!! Eat it for ME, since I can't have it again for a long time! Again, people, heeeeellllp! ;)

Some pictures of this place, which MUST be where poets and musicians and general lovers-of-food go to die a peaceful death from extremely high cholesterol levels... and they ALL die HAPPY, people!

Saint Honore Bakery


From the gut-shakingly hilarious movie "Superbad" -
"Do you know how many foods are shaped like dicks?!? The BEST ones!!!" This "food-group" MUST include coffee-flavored eclairs from St. Honore's... ;)

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